Theseus timelane
Theseus timelane

theseus timelane

Son of Dia by her husband Ixion, or (according to another account) by Zeus prince of the Lapithae, and friend of Theseus. Son of Pandion, who robbed his brother of the dominion of Athens, but was, together with his fifty gigantic sons, slain by the youthful Theseus. Afterwards, in remorse for her gailt, she put an end to her life. When her stepson Hippolytus rejected her love, she compassed his death by slandering him to Theseus. ( See ALOPE, and THESEUS.)ĭaughter of Minos and Pasiphae, wife of Theseus, and mother of Acamas and Demophoon.

theseus timelane

He was conquered and slain by the young Theseus, who gave the kingdom of Eleusis to his grandson, Hippothoon. In Greek mythology the son of Poseidon, and father of Alope, who lived at Eleusis, and compelled all passers-by to wrestle with him. DEMOPHOON, THESEUS).ĭeprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /His descendants, the Phytalidoe, by ancient custom, performed the purification for blood-shedding in Attica, according to the legend, because they had absolved Theseus under similar circumstances. The son of Peteus, who seized the government of Attica, while Theseus pined away in the nether world, and commanded the Athenians before Troy, where he fell. When the Amazons attacked Athens in return, she is variously represented as persuading them to peace, or falling in battle against them by the side of Theseus or, again, as killed by Heracles, when she interrupted the marriage of her beloved Theseus with Phaedra. A sister of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons who, according to one account, fall as a prize of war to Theseus for his share in Heracles' campaign against the Amazons, according to another, was carried off by him and his friend Pirithous.

Theseus timelane